Hello & Welcome

My name is Dr. Brianna. I am so delighted that you have landed here ~


I began inquiring into daoist medicine & philosophy at the tender age of fifteen, stewarded by my mother & her teacher, Shoshanna Katzman.

This led me to study daoist cosmology & philosophy during my undergraduate years, where I began reading and translating the classics of daoist medicine (經). After nearly two decades of study with myriad teachers, mentors, professors & guides, I am still learning and integrating the breadth of this field of study.

One of my professors used to say, 'Chinese medicine school provides you with the tiny white part of the nail of the body of information available to you.’ Meaning, we are students for life.

In daoist philosophy, there are no masters — only lifelong students dedicated to learning how to walk humbly in the direction of their dao, in service to the highest good of the entire planet, the collective — all life everywhere.

It is so clear that we are, as a whole, suffering deeply. The earth is depleted & so are we.

Ancient daoist shamans & sages knew the body is a mirror of the workings of nature itself.

As above, so below.

According to daoist medicine cosmology, the body is a direct reflection of earth and cosmos. Human beings are the bridge between sky above and earth below. Rooted into the earth & suspended into the cosmos, we are the intermingling of the two.





…which roughly translates to

‘humans pattern themselves on earth,

earth patterns itself on heaven (cosmos),

heaven patterns itself on dao (the infinite proliferations of possibility via the ever-changing, ever-unfolding expanse of the universe)

dao patterns itself on what is natural.

We live in shared resonance with our planet, with each other, with all life everywhere. And so the systems and societies we are born affect our bodies as a whole, from the inside out.

One of the most revolutionary things we can do for ourselves, for the health, longevity & wellbeing of our communities, for our entire planet and for all life everywhere is to s l o w d o w n.

When we slow down & listen to the natural rhythms and movements of our own bodies, we honor our body’s innate wisdom, intelligence, immunity & vitality and our natural ability to heal our own selves.

I wholeheartedly believe in the natural healing ability that is contained within each of us, by virtue of the natural intelligence of our cells, our dna, our blood, our marrow, our bones — the same intelligence embedded in the soil, the minerals, the matter, the elements that make up the earth & the cosmos.

My deepest purpose is to offer gentle medicine to the collective — to cultivate spaces for deep rest and ease so folks can receive the healing magnitude of their own inner source of vitality, intelligence and wisdom.

It is an honor & privilege to dedicate my life to the study of this medicine, in accordance to my dao and in service to the highest good of ourselves, of each other and of the entire planet.


Licensed Acupuncturist, Oregon Medical Board License #AC196872  

NCCAOM, Certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (Diplomate) 

Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Pacific College of Health and Science, class of 2020

Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, class of 2017

Certified Quantum Shiatsu practitioner, +100 hour training, Portland School of Shiatsu, 2016-2017

Bachelor of Science, Behavioral Health and Nutrition + Minor in Psychology, University of Delaware, class of 2013